It is probably true quite generally that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different lines of thought meet. These lines may have their roots in quite different parts of human nature, in different times or different cultural environments or different religious traditions: hence if they actually meet, that is, if they are at least so much related to each other that a real interaction can take place, then one may hope that new and interesting developments may follow.
Read what is here but this thread is incomplete. In the near future I plan to consolidate (merge) the threads but for now if you want the complete detailed explanation on how anti-aging works you'll have to also see these other threads:
The following treatise is comprised of many maxims, adages, sayings, quotes, proverbs, etc. Hopefully not, but maybe some of you may find it too cryptic or deep to grasp, and others may dismiss it as mindless drivel and ramblings...but again...hopefully not.
Who has the time... ""Knowledge is power" and, "Money is power", also, "Time is money", so then logically "Time is also power". Knowledge and Time are our most valuable "abstract" resources. With the right Knowledge and enough Time you can achieve ANYTHING."
I have to make something clear: Even though I dislike noise pollution I am not a person who advocates doing away with commerce and/or modern technology, I am far from being like the Amish. If you have read the 'about me' section you should already know that, yet, I believe we have the ingenuity to create a new industry for quiet technology (quieter versions of things we have now. vehicles, appliances, etc.). The world will definately be a better place if we make it quieter. - I love technology and the "geeks" who create it (I'm a proud geek myself). I love computers and electronic gadgets of all sorts. - Still everything or place should be like the public library or a museum, with people concious that they have to make the least noise possible while understanding why: lowers stress, let's you concentrate and gather your thoughts, and relax. May also increase your perceptive mental powers.
Until that day arrives and also afterwards the call is to: buy, buy, buy, because commerce and competition bring about innovation and progress.
Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name is better than fine perfume
Yet..."Everything is psychology, everything is words" we subconsciously see in a sort of "Matrix Code" via the 5 senses
2 words are the most important: BELIEVE and MEMORY because without them you don't have the word LOVE.
Before we continue
I am not affliliated with but here are a couple of beautiful youtube videos. One now and the other at the very end of this post (This has to do with "Macro-syntax" and if you get goose bumps then you're doing it correctly)